Saturday 29 August 2015

Double Rainbow day

After having been spoiled by sunshine for almost two weeks, yesterday i was finally time for some rain. The rain started pouring down lasting from late night until afternoon that following day, it kept raining that whole day although less and less as the day went by. 

This was when i decided too use this opportunity and go for a walk into the nearby forrest, so on with my rubber boots and out i went. The air was still warm, having both dark and light coloured clouds sharing a blueish sky, the feeling of getting outside was super refreshing.

As i then got into the forrest i noticed lots of water on paths heading down towards the lake, really took my time yesterday just wandering about doing what may seem as nothing but yet absolutely all that i needed at that very moment. Eventuelly i left the trails of the forrest and found myself back into what we so nicely call civilisation, as i kept walk and was about make the turn into the street where i live, there it was...

A beautyful rainbow was appearing just on right side of me, i kept still just taking in it´s pure beauty...That´s when it happened... A second rainbow started appearing, i remained exactly where i was too watch this amazing show put on by mother nature. This was the very first time for me seeing a double rainbow and i could not feel other than blessed and joyful, it also left me with the feeling it will all be alright as long as i keep going with my heart <3


Thursday 20 August 2015

Happiness is a choice ?

This is the first time for me having a question headlining a blog post, whether it is a good choice or not remains to be seen. As you probably already understood this post is about happiness, we hear about it all the time, happy happy happy and we won´t rest until we found it. I am not trying to make fun or criticize anyone searching for happiness, i simply want to say a few words about what happiness is to me which hopefully will inspire others into finding theirs.

I have found a way in life which makes me happy, it has not been easy but i have worked hard to get where i am today, taking thousands of small steps heading towards this moment today. Saying this might sound like i am confident, proud and that i love myself, and yes i honestly do.

Somewhere along my way in life i realised i was good enough, accepted myself, found peace within and started loving myself, what´s wrong with that ? I say there is absolutely nothing wrong with loving yourselves for who you are, 

We are all different and by getting to know ourselves by doing what we feel like at the moment, step by step we will gain confidence and as we feel succsessful by being our true selves, later a trust will build up inside of us. This newfound trust within ourselves helps us too relax and stop worrying so much, we might also start feeling at peace and joyful without really having done anything special.

Happiness comes from within and we all have the power to find our own joy in life, unfortunately sometimes we are being held back or stopped by others, then break free from old habits. Allowing ourselves to wander of feeling a little lost can sometimes be exactly what we need, later once free we might start to see clearly.

Allowing myself to do what i wanted shaped me into who i am today, happiness for me was most definitely a choice, and so far i don't regret my choice. Now my only plan is to keep following my flow while trusting my ability to handle whatever comes in my way, stay great everyone :D


Wednesday 12 August 2015

Helping others is helping yourself

Hello dear wellbeings, this late night/early morning i´ve decided to share my thoughts about something simple yet very important, it´s about helping others and also how we grow as living beings by doing so. 
Within ourselves we know how to be kind and helpful and most us truly wants to, and we do know how to do it. If it wasn´t only for the so called busy lives we have created for ourselves, what i am about to say next is also something we all know but i love life so much i´ll happily say it again.

Helping others is helping ourselves and belive me it is true, so YES it is okey to be kind and helpful to other living beings, i am not the first one to say this but i simply want us all to be friends living in harmony with mother earth.

Making time for ourselves to become the the ones we always wanted to be, this could mean choosing to have a smaller home, bankloan, finding a job you love, more friends, less anxiety, healthier lifestyle and the list of wellbeing goes on and on.

You are never alone, we are all here together for a reason, so why not help each other out with all our daily things, we all know what we want so lets just make the best of what we got, together we are the change.


Wednesday 5 August 2015

A vegetarian life for me

Hello wellbeings i hope you all are feeling wonderful, about two weeks ago i finally took the step into going vegetarian, so far i only feel sharper, lighter and in general simply relieved by not having to bother about preparing, cooking or eating meat.

As i look back this whole process actually started years ago, it was first while travelling, backpacking and working my way around the world that my eating habits changed. The past few years i have stayed in a small town in Sweden working and living and enjoyed doing so, but the backpacker in me never really left.

However this past year the backpacker in me has started complaining about over-eating in general and which also step by step made meat taste less and less for me. As i usually like to eat fruit, vegetables, different seeds and more i wasn´t really worried about starving or not getting enough nutrition.

I spent some time searching for information and found nothing but benefits about being a vegetarian,. One day i simply told myself to start by trying not having meat for a week and then see what i felt like, so i did. As i said in the beginning of this post it has now been a bit more than two weeks since i decided going for this, for myself and also for my love to all living beings out there, we are all great :D

As i am always looking for ways of improving myself, i welcome your advice/comment and perhaps help me on my blogging adventure also now as vegetarian. 
